Going to Bible School

Partner with Melody


Checks made out to Cita Life

memo “Melody Bible College

The Story

I have some exciting news to share with you. I am going to BIBLE SCHOOL!!

At the end of 2021, I sought the Lord for some direction. I had experienced some minor frustrations in a few areas of my life, and I knew something needed to change. So, as I was in the plane, on my way to Ethiopia, I asked the Lord what to do. Immediately he spoke to me very clearly. He laid out a blueprint in front of me. Showing me how going to Bible School was the next step for me. I was stunned!

He also immediately revealed the school I was to attend. So, I am excited to announce that I will be attending Charis Bible College in the fall. That means that I will be moving from Florida to Colorado. It is a significant change, but I truly feel the peace of the Lord in the whole thing. I talked with my parents, and they are fully behind me. They are excited for me to learn all that I can to serve the Lord even better.

I will still be working for Cita Life but will be unable to travel to Ethiopia when I am in school. I will be working remotely doing the behind-the-scenes things that I do from day to day and continuing teaching online via Radical Living. I am grateful that I can continue on at Cita and do school at the same time. What a blessing of the Lord!

The college does offer three years of education, but it is up to the individual how many years they want to do. I plan to go for one year and see how the Lord leads. I know He wants me there, but I don’t know for how long.

With the move and the school, some costs come with it. Tuition for the year will be around $5,000, and then renting generally goes for about $800/month. Unfortunately, they do not currently have student housing, so I will have to find a house to rent. The good thing is that my sister Melissa will be moving with me so we can find a place together.

I am believing the Lord for $10,000 before I move in August. Please pray with me that I can get the funds together and find a place to live. I am trusting the Lord. I know He always provides for me.